Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday and Tuesday

Monday- I got up and tried out my new flat iron. I have straight hair, so I don't need an expensive flat iron to straighten my straight hair... However, I do want it to curl my hair!! I spent about 20 or 30 minutes curling my hair with my new (CHEAP) flat iron. It turned out pretty well until it all fell- did I mention I have straight hair? It was cute while it lasted!

Next, I watched some Netflix until my parents got home. Then we ate dinner and Mom took me to flamingo one last house. It was so sneaky!! Ha! We had fun. We got some blizzards on the way home, watched some shows, read, and went to bed.

This deserves its own paragraph- I GOT SOME EXCELLENT NEWS TODAY!!! I'll tell you ALL about it on Thursday! Ha!

Tuesday- I got up with the intent to read today. However, I turned on the TV and a FaceOff marathon was on... Awesome show about make-up artists!! I got sucked in...

After awhile, I ate a new protein bar. It wasn't too bad, although all the chewing made it tougher to stomach. Haha! Enjoy those gross faces, please!!

Dad came home and we went to PT. I did the arm bike, sitting on the ball and doing free weights, lat pulls, and throwing the ball back and forth. (That was a LOT of "and"s...) Then I tried some wall push ups, but apparently those are too easy now. So I had to do push ups on a waist-high table. Those were a lot more challenging, but I did all 20!!

After PT Dad and I went to Famous Footwear, Baskins, Staples (I love office supplies almost as much as grocery shopping!!), and Best Buy. Fun fun! I just wanted to browse. I was kind of debating on getting a Nook tablet because you get a free Nook Simple Touch, which is an e-reader. I haven't made any decisions yet... I mean, I have a tablet (which I love), but wanted to look into this sweet deal! Plus, then Dad or Mom could have my tablet.

When we got home, Mom had made some delicious stuffed bell peppers with (yucky) Lima beans. Ha! I left most of the beans on my plate... We watched some Hawaii 5-0 while we ate then went to bed.

I got a letter from a wonderful friend today that definitely brought happy tears to my eyes!! For Lent she is writing 40 letters, one per day, to people who have touched her life. I'm so stealing that for next year! Plus, I got one!! Yay! It was written to pre-wreck-me and post-wreck-me. I feel soooo special! There is a picture of said friend and I around Christmas time below.

And that's life...

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