So today's Pre/Post Op activities were more exciting than my actual procedure. After not eating or drinking after midnight, there was still a possibility that there would be no procedure. In the middle of PT, they called for me. Now this calling is not to be trifled with; when they call, you go. So I went. Then I waited about TWO and A HALF hours. I had to pee twice during this time which is not easy when you can't walk to the bathroom. I had to use a bedpan on a chair. Can you say awkward? It was. I'll spare you all of the details, I guess. Anyways, we get in there, and I know almost everyone in the room. Instead of THEM moving me to the table (which leaves me so sore the next day), I moved to the table. Woot! Go me! Then, I woke up in the OR, because it was over and I was supposed to, because the recovery was full. When they talked to me about everything, the anesthesiologist people decided to just take me to my room. I skipped recovery altogether. Haha! I hate going there anyways.
Today we watched The Princess Bride and Pride and Prejudice!! They were great! I also got to talk to one of my favorite nurses, So I would say today was pretty awesome!
My elbow is gaining some more movement. However, I am SO past ready to have this ex-fix removed!! It drives me nuts!
My disease control doctor told me that she's seen my plastic surgeon do what he's doing to me, making me wait, to other patients. She says he does this so that the wound bed is essentially perfect. I just wish he would come and talk to ME about it, but whatever. Or she could be covering for him. Meh. Who cares?
Warning, this part is mushy gushy: I still worry I will never walk again. Everyone assures me I will, but it's so hard to see when it takes like 2 minutes to get TO the bedside potty and 2 minutes to get BACK. I just can't see how I will walk on this leg that refuses to heal properly. Everyday I lose muscle in my calf and shin; I need those muscles to move this big ol' body around. I just have to keep positive on this topic, because right now I can't see it. Also, I'm super worried that after AAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL of this healing and non-healing, they will have to amputate my foot or leg after all. Now I'm told this is not likely, but who knows, right? I really try to remain positive about this, for obvious reasons.
Ok, enough. Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts. I miss my youth more than I can say. I love y'all!
Romans 5:3-5
3 Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.