So I woke up this morning like a kid in Christmas day... Except then I had to wait for my sister and her boyfriend to get here. So I got ready and sat around with Mommy until Dad got up. Mom made a delicious breakfast casserole that we all four ate while she went to the store to get some things she forgot. Yes, Albertson's was open today.
After my sister got here and we ate, Mom got back and they started making lunch. We snacked on some appetizers, then while there was a lull in the cooking, we opened presents! I got 2 scarves (one with built in mittens!!), some solar powered flower dancers, a mini-cupcake maker machine, smart gloves (you can use your smart phone but still be warm), a tablet cover, and a very special gift from my grandfather that I will talk about all by itself (yeah, it's that good!!!!). Next it was time for lunch! We ate a deliciously perfect meal. Mom and Sister did awesome!!
So my grandfather (the one that lives in another state and that drove with his left foot and told me I could do it) sent me an extra special, one-of-a-kind, handmade gift. He went to Build-A-Bear and made me an bear with a shorter right leg. Then he shopped all over for the perfect shoes for my bear. Next, he crafted a prosthetic (out of a spoon) for the bear. He fit the shoes to the bear, even taking time to hand sew the fabric where needed. It is, hands down, the most thoughtful and wonderful gift I have ever received!! Thank you! I think it will be a girl and that I will call her Peggy (like peg leg). Yes, that will do. I really truly appreciate the time and effort that he put into the bear. Best. Present. EVER!!
The three of us sat around after my sister left the rest of the day listening to Christmas music or watching shows. This was an amazing Christmas (that I'm really glad wasn't spent at the hospital)! It might even be the best one yet!!
A bit of progress- I began to lose my balance earlier, caught myself, and didn't cry!! I'm getting there. And I sat on the couch instead of my normal chair. Also, I go see my ortho tomorrow morning (come on, elbow, come on!).
And that's life...
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