Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 153

This morning I drug myself out of my warm, comfy bed to go to work with Dad. Since he made me work so hard, I'm betting he's glad I did. He kept "running errands" and leaving me with all the children and their horrifically BOOOOOORING tests. Ugh! I hate test days... They make me want to take a nap.

Whilst (like that word?) at Dad's school, I stretched out my elbow so it will do what it's supposed to. I guess I'll know on Monday if it's working. I reached for things, wheeled myself, and just stretched in general- all with my left arm! I'm sure it's going to be like 10-15 more degrees on Monday!!!

One of my former teacher's (and principal, actually) came by to see me today! She had knee surgery while I was in the hospital. I have very fond and hilarious memories of her classes. After school, Dad had to get ready for a sub and somehow I fell asleep. Ha! I told you test days make me want to take a nap!! We came home and I did some serious youth planning and watched some Food Network. We saw this commercial for Outback Steakhouse- they were advertising lobster mac and cheese. I'm sorry, did you read that right? Yes, yes you did. Lobster. Mac. And. Cheese. Sounds amazing, right? Well, I convinced Mom and Dad that we NEEDED to go so Mom could have the night off. That didn't take much; they were sold!! It was pretty good, but not cheesy (or lobstery) enough for me. The steak was pretty outstanding, although I thought it was a bit pink... All in all, it was a scrumptious meal!!

We came home and watched The Walking Dead, then went to bed.

And that's life...

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