After a fitful night of sleep with panicky dreams and multiple potty breaks, I got up this morning and showered for the 3rd time in 24 hours. I got dressed and all three of us headed to the hospital. We had to be there at 5:15 so we could wait for about 45 minutes to be called back. Crazy, I know!
I get back there and the party begins. Everyone comes to talk to me- nurse (one of my faves), OR nurse (who thought I had a great sense of humor), anesthesiologist, anesthesiologist nurse/student (who got to eat breakfast and taunted me with the bacon, eggs, and pancakes he'd had), ortho (who threatened to admit me if I couldn't do bed rest right), chaplain, liaison (my favorite one), etc. When I got back there I had to go potty, but it's an older wing of the building and not really ADA compliant. So we had to find a bathroom I could use. It took 3 tries. Haha!
The nurse blew my first vein when trying to put in my IV. It wasn't her fault, but it's bruised (see pic) and it hurts! I never thought I'd miss my PICC line... I kind of do, though. The IV line was a pain (literally) to get going. Then I got my "margarita" and relaxed a bit.
My nurse shared with me that she thought about me sometimes, but especially after her car accident. She flipped her car in December and walked away. We talked about how she was lucky and that I am too in my own little way. Her car looked worse than mine did. I'm just happy she's ok!!
They rolled me back there and let me move myself to the table. I got LOTS of oxygen and more "margarita". Next thing I know, the guy is telling me to take deep breaths and the too familiar feeling of the anesthesia drugs took over.
I woke up in post op to a very nice nurse. She fed me ice chips and got my parents for me. They don't want you to rub your eyes after surgery, but your eyes sure want to be rubbed. Haha!! I have to wear a knee immobilizer brace for a few days (pic below). I'm not too happy about that... I'm sure I'll live, though. My ortho came by and told me there was a complication and he had to tape up to my hip... He is such a jokester! He knows I hate tape and I know he loves it, so we pick on each other about it. Ha! However, everything was fine and I was sent to recovery.
Now recovery is new to me because I always just went back to my room/was admitted to a room. They let you eat crackers and potty and change. Then they discharge you. This is when Mom left and went to work; Dad took the day because I needed an adult with me. I'm not sure he qualifies, but they didn't question him.
Dad loaded me up in the car and we were off! That's right, it really WAS outpatient!!! Woohoo! We stopped and got my prescription, which took almost an hour- ridiculous. Then he drove me to a-whole-nother town to get me lunch. I was supposed to eat light, like soup and sandwich, so I wanted Schlotzsky's. Dad and I split a sandwich and I got cheese and broccoli soup. Yum!
After that, I passed out until about 6. It was some goooooood sleep, too. I'm already ready to go back to bed, though. Haha! My only real complaints so far are a sore throat and a yucky taste in my mouth. However, I ate some homemade tomato basil soup (from a church member), and that taste is going away!! I haven't started being in pain yet and hope I don't have to be. There's a picture of my bracelets I got to wear: name, allergy, and fall risk. I told the nurse of course I'm a fall risk... That happens when you only have one foot. Haha!
I did ask my ortho if I could go to youth on Sunday for two hours because I have a parent meeting planned. At first he seemed leery, but when he came to see me after surgery he said I could go. Yay!!
And that's life and hopefully the last surgery...
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