Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 161

Today was relatively dull. I stayed in bed all day and either played on my tablet, checked Facebook, and/or watched TV. Only a few more days until I'm (hopefully) free!!

So I'm not in pain, but my (right) leg is aching to be stretched out. I'm not supposed to use the muscles in my leg to give the graft the best chance it has. I can't even bend my knee. Every time I woke up, my leg was trying to stretch out. You know when you stretch out your muscles in the morning and your muscles seem to kind of take over and stretch themselves? That's what my leg keeps trying to do. Haha!

My Ace bandage came off my leg today and I got to scratch some. It seems like such a small thing, but it was sooooo needed!! After about 3 minutes, Dad wrapped it back up. Ugh. Soon!

I talked to my aunt today on the phone. We made a plan to sit down with one of her friends soon and have a girls night. Ha! I love my aunt!!

Like I said, it's been a fairly uneventful day. I guess that's better than crazy, though.

And that's life...

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