Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 155

This morning we attended "Round Up Sunday" at church. I, of course, dressed up to the best of my ability. I rode my trusty steed (my wheel chair) and even bounced a little and held the "reins" so it looked like I was actually riding a horse. Haha!! We got to eat brunch and I got to catch up with some people I haven't seen in quite a while.

After church, we did some grocery shopping- poor choice. Everyone and their mom was at the store!! Ugh. We couldn't find a handicapped parking spot, so Dad dropped us off and parked waaaaaay out in the parking lot. Anyways, we got what we needed and headed home. Mom made us some BLTs, then I took a nap.

Mom took me to youth because some needed to borrow her Cricut. We had a great lesson with some really good discussion with my youth. I was so pleased! Plus, I had more kids than usual!! Yay! Mom and I stayed after to help our friend with her project.

When we go home, another friend and her two kids were there. She decided she would teach Mom how to make chicken and dumplings!! Now, I don't usually eat those because they're too much like soup (which I don't eat unless I'm sick), but I heard they were delicious! It was a really good visit.

After they left, we watched some Rachel vs. Guy Celebrity Cook-Off- we finally finished Walking Dead because season 3 isn't on Netflix yet. I will go to bed tonight praying that my ortho will tell me I don't have to have surgery on Tuesday. **crosses fingers**

And that's life...
P.S. for your viewing pleasure, there's a great picture of my sister and me as kids. We were so stinkin' cute!!


  1. Chicken and dumplings is soooooo good! It's not soup, it's a bowl of juicy chicken-y yumminess. Dumplings are heaven in your mouth. Seriously, try it! You won't regret it!

  2. I like them, I just don't eat them much.
